Solve anagrams with this applet.
Move the letters around until you find an anagram you like.
Sure, there are excellent anagram generators on the net
(such as WordSmith's),
but here you can have
all the fun that comes with finding your own.
So stop scratching out letters on paper, put your letter
tiles away, and enjoy !
Enter your starting words or
phrases in the bright text box and hit the ENTER key or
click the RESET button.
The letters will appear in the boxes.
Use the mouse to rearrange them as you like.
To make a move:
Select a rectangle of characters in one of these ways:
For one square, left click that square.
For all squares to end of word or end of row,
right click the first square.
For a more general region, press and drag mouse
from upper left to lower right of the region.
The letter(s) or space(s) selected will be highlighted. Move the mouse pointer to the desired new location
and click again.
The contents of the targeted areas will be exchanged.
A yellow rectangle shows where the selected boxes will land.
Click TRACK OFF to disable this feature.
To refresh with the letters in their new order, click ALIGN.
To display the original text and the text in the boxes,
click old=new.
To mix up the letters, perhaps to get a fresh look at them,
click Scramble letters.