Solving Diophantine Equations | Home | Send Your Feedback |
variables than equations and hence multiple solutions. Usually, integer solutions are required. This page finds integer solutions to single linear Diophantine Equations of the form
Since A(x + n*B) + B(y - n*A) = Ax + By + ABn - ABn, given one solution, you can add or subtract any multiple of B to x, while doing the opposite (subtracting or adding) with the same multiple of A to y. Example: "Solve 7x + 13y = 102" Starting from x = 9, y = 3 (which gives 63 + 39 = 102) other solutions are:
To solve a Diophantine Equation, enter the three integers you want as coefficients, and press "Solve".
The Old Water Jug Problem explains the solution method used. |